Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Lunar Eclipse

I have never seen a Lunar Eclipse before, but I did last night. Or, should I say, early this morning. It was very interesting to watch the moon turn red. It began at about 2am, but we slept until 3am and then we got up to take a look. Christian and I were the only ones to stay up and watch for a little while, pointing out the other constellations that we could find. He is very interested in astronomy. If only we had a telescope!


The next total Lunar Eclipse will be February 28, 2008. The western states have a chance of viewing it, but the rest of the country will not be able to see it. To learn more about why a Lunar Eclipse happens go to the link above. NASA has some diagrams and explanations about how it works.

Pretty Cool!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Crochet Queen

Marlayna has been working on this beautiful crocheted blanket for a Young Women project. The stitches are perfect! She is so conscientious about it looking professional and perfect. She has taken out any rows that did not look right. This will be her first completed project in Young Women's.

This year has been such a good year for her. She still suffers from fatigue, but has been up and walking without a walker or a cane for over a year now! Where has the time gone? For those of you who don't know, Marlayna was diagnosed with Severe Pediatric Fibromylagia after having a severe case of Mono (Epstein Bar Virus) in January 2005 to which she never fully recovered. She still has the virus present in her system and we have been told by doctors that she will most likely struggle with the virus throughout her life.

The Guaifenesin Protocol that we began over a year ago has greatly contributed to her returning health. Christian and I have also been diagnosed with Fibromylagia and are also on the same treatment. While we see tremendous improvement, we also recognize that this is a lifelong illness and there is no cure. We take each day as it comes and look forward to the good days where our pain is less (some days virtually pain free now) and we have more energy to enjoy life.

I am so proud of Marlayna's outlook on life. She does not let her limitations get her down. I am always amazed at her positive attitude and how she keeps working towards what she wants. Even with her limitations, she sees that the glass that is her life is more than half-full! I have learned so much from her and I am very grateful to be her mother.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Mom's First Day of School

About Me
I had a busy first day at college. Anybody who has had to wait in the forever winding lines in the bookstore (seriously - through the store, around the back, and nearly up to the front again - reminds me of Christmas lines the day after Thanksgiving) can understand my frustration in having to go to 2 different college bookstores to get all of my books. I tried to get my books last week, but of course they were not in. They were SUPPOSED to hold them for me, but somehow lost my request. So I had to pay the highest price at the last minute. Ah, well. I guess I did not need that extra $25. At least the scholarship paid for the books.

I have 2 classes - Web Development level 2 and Javascripting. Both are time consuming and require a lot of studying on my part. I have one class on campus and one online. The online class is poorly developed and I hope I can muck my way through it. It is not looking too good right now as there is nothing there but reading the book. YIKES! Typically my online classes have been well explained with lots of examples. Not this one.

Other Stuff

Life is moving right along for everyone it seems. We took our aboveground pool down and the stench of the dead grass underneath was as if we had unearthed a dead body. It was sickening! The dog was the only one who could handle going into the back yard for several days. I hope our neighbors are not wondering about us. No cops have arrived yet.

We have all new appliances except for a stove. I am hoping one will come our way soon since half of the burners hardly work and the front door is rusting. Who would have thought the dumb thing would last less than 5 years in a new house?

Monday, August 20, 2007

Christian's New Hobby

Christian taught himself how to make "blinkies" using the Paint program and Animation Shop. He is pretty talented! He is happy to include this as part of his art lessons.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Brain News about Terrible 2's and ages 10-12

Anybody who has gone through the terrible 2's or has a pre-pubescent child (ages 10-12) knows that something suddenly goes haywire and their child becomes less in control of themselves. Well, here is some science to go along with what parents see in their children...


I'm a Sudoku Addict!

OK - My friend Jennie showed me how to do Sudoku and now I am hooked! I found a free website to create Sudoku puzzles for all ages. I have been giving them to the kids and now they are hooked too. It is a wonderful way to keep busy in the car, watching TV (when you are not interested in what someone else is watching), feeling bored, etc.

Check out this website to print free Sudoku: http://www.kokolikoko.com/sudoku/

Learn to play: http://www.sudoku.com/howtoplay.html

Play online free

After taking a class called "Learning and the Brain" I found that if you don't use it, you lose it. This occurs in our brain as we lose connections that we don't use anymore. Can you remember the math you learned in college? I can't because I don't do that kind of math on a regular basis. We can help retain the connections in our brain by doing puzzles. Puzzles like Sudoku mostly help to retain the logic centers of our brain, which helps us think quicker and clearer.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Teaching Modesty

Modesty has been an issue for as long as I can remember. During my teen years I remember struggling with the desire to be fashionable and the desire to follow my Savior's teachings regarding modesty. It is hard, even for most Christian women, to remember who we are and to keep our covenants in regards to modesty.

I found a wonderful book called "Secret Keeper: The Delicate Power of Modesty" by Dannah Gresh. It is a Christian book with many bible references and a "Truth or Bare?" Fashion Test that we decided to implement in our home. It amazed me that I needed to revamp a few things in my wardrobe as well. I did not think I had any immodest clothes, but after reading this thought provoking book I found that I have several items that need to go or alter how they are worn.

The language and tone of the book is perfect for pre-teens and teens (not bad for moms too). I read the book in about an hour. I purchased it at www.ldfr.com which has many inexpensive books that are educational, LDS/Christian based, and also tons of classics like Anne of Green Gables, Emma, Stuart Little, etc.

I highly recommend this book!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Life As We Know It

Family Life
There is a sickness going around our family that started with Christian and has not ended yet, leaving me the lucky winner of the "sickest so far" award. I hate being sick, yet I understand the way of the world of viruses and germs so I will take it as it comes.

This is our second week of school and everything is running as planned even with our illnesses, which is one of the beauties of home schooling. I saw this cartoon and had to add it to my blog as it is how I feel now that we home school. Please do not be offended :-).

This is my answer to everyone who asks the question, "What about socialization?" Our opportunities are boundless!

This month's studies include:

History/ Religion - Ancient history starting with the Pre-Existence and Creation
Literature - Greek Myths and personal choice books including Harry Potter and Eclipse
English - Typical stuff (both English and Latin) - Grammar, Vocabulary, Spelling, etc.
Latin - "Salvete, discipuli." (Hello, students.)
Math - Pre-Algebra and 5th grade using Thinkwell and Abeka
Science - Astronomy to coordinate with what the ancients studied and discovered
Religion - we follow the LDS Seminary program.

The Funnies
"I'm sure glad I was born the day I was or I would have missed my birthday."

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

First Day of School!

Yeah! We started school today and here are some pics of my cuties. Sam is a sophomore, Marlyana is in 7th and Christian is in 5th grade this year.

Oh - and the dog...well, Christian was trying on different items of clothing for her to wear recently. She doesn't seem to mind much.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I got a Scholarship!

I can't believe it! I got a scholarship to pay for all of my tuition and books this year. What a huge blessing! Add this to my Gratitude List.

Mike and I decided that my education was important, but that I needed to either have the funds to pay for the tuition or get a grant or scholarship to pay for it. No more student loans for us (we have enough already). I was about to drop all my classes because the money was just not there when I suddenly received notice that I had been awarded a scholarship. Now, if this is not divine intervention I do not know what is. I feel truly blessed and know that the Lord is guiding me to direct my path.

So, I'm on track to finish my Web Development degree...maybe in the next 5 years. ;-) Let's hope that the Lord continues to bless me with the funds, time, and energy to finish.

I'm so happy!

Yea! We're back up!

On Sunday morning my email account was hit by something and I couldn't access it. Then my blog disappeared completely to which I almost ...