Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Free Education Downloads

For those who are interested, here are a few free downloads on education. I have the books if anyone is interested in reading more....

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas 2008

We had a wonderful Christmas with all three of our children at home for the last time with all of them as "children". Next year Sam will be 18 and may or may not choose to be with us on Christmas morning. It was a nostalgic time for me as I watched them open gifts together one at a time as is our tradition, watching each person receive their gift and commenting on the gifts and the persons involved. I am reminded of what is truly important in life and how quickly time goes by. I'm feeling a bit saddened by the passing of time.

We focused this year on service rather than gifts, although there were plenty of gifts as well. We also focused on not going into any debt for Christmas. I'm happy to say that we were successful thanks to my little part-time job. We enjoyed each other's company and spent the day happily even though there were fewer gifts and less money spent this year. I'm not sure that any of us really noticed.

The day would have been perfect had Mike and I not come down sick later on Christmas Day. I'm still sick, which explains why this post is so late and lacking photos. I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

15 Years and Still the Love of My Life

I'm late in posting for our anniversary. Time seems to never be on my side. I saw this on my friend's blog and thought it is definitely time to post.

Where did you meet?

Mike and I met when he became my Home Teacher in the singles ward we both attended. I actually already knew his older brother, John, who was dating my friend.

What was the first thought that went through your head when you met?

The first time Mike called me, I thought he was asking me out on a date, but he was actually making a home teaching appointment. My heart sank into my stomach. I was very interested...even though I had told myself NOT to be interested in anyone. I just wanted to date as "friends". I was recently divorced and determined not to marry anyone for a long time.

Do you remember what he was wearing?

He was handsomely attired in church clothes, with white shirt and tie.

Where did you go for your first date?

I invited Mike out on our first date (sounds like I'm really sticking to my goal of not getting serious about anyone doesn't it?). We went on a double date with Melody and John (Mike's brother) to Melody's house to ride quads in the desert.

Where was the first time you kissed this person?

In front of Mike's parents house. We had been dating a week and I was already long gone. I knew at that moment that he was THE ONE. I was incredibly shaken because I was not ready to get married again. I had only been divorced for five months.

When was the first time you realized that you liked this person?

When I first saw him! I remember asking John to set us up, but he politely refused saying that setting up his brothers might get him into trouble.

How long did you know this person before you became a couple?

A few months. He became my home teacher in May (my divorce was final in April). I asked him out in July after his birthday and we became a couple after that first week. I was so touched because he explained to me how he only liked to date one person at a time and asked how I felt about that. I surprised myself by readily agreeing. His next statement staggered me even more...he said he would like to take Samantha, my daughter from my first marriage, on half of our dates so he could get to know her too. Most of my previous dates were not interested in Samantha at all.

How did this person propose to you?

This is truly my favorite part of our pre-marriage history together. During our dating, we decided that since we were both worthy temple recommend holders we would attend the temple as our Friday night date each week. We managed to do this pretty much each Friday through August. On the first Friday of September, Mike proposed to me in the Celestial Room of the Arizona Temple after a packed Friday night session.

I remember that he was there before me and sitting in a single chair, he usually tried to get a couch so we could sit together, or we just stood together since Friday nights are typically very busy. He sat me down in the chair and gallantly got down on one knee to propose. By this time, people were whispering and staring a little bit. He asked me to be his eternal companion and I, of course, threw my arms around his neck and cried, "Yes!" I realize now what a tremendous amount of faith Mike had, since I was still sealed to my first husband. When I agreed to be his Eternal Companion, we had no idea that many people do not receive temple sealing cancellations. I'm happy to say that Mike and I were sealed together on December 6, 1993, just three short weeks after our civil temple wedding.

The chair in which I sat is still in the Celestial Room and I often try to sit there and remember that moment over 15 years ago.

Do you and this person have kids together?

We have two beautiful children together, Marly (14) and Chris (12). We have also raised my daughter, Sam (17), together.

Have you ever broken the law with this person?

Does speeding count? Maybe this Mullet Mike's wearing counts as breaking the law.

Do you trust this person?

With all my heart.

Do you see him as your partner in your future?

We are together "for Time and All Eternity"!

What is the best gift he gave you?

His love and support. Mike is my family. Where ever he is, I will go.

What are your FAVORITE things about this person?

Mike is very clean! Many women complain about socks on the floor and clothes not ending up in the hamper...but I never have this problem. In fact, I am the messy one. He is a fantastic organizer and keeps our home and family in order. He is also a great cook.

He is a wonderful father and very supportive of me and my goals, plans, and desires for the future. He has never stood in my way. (For anyone who knows my past, you will understand why this is such a wonderful gift to me.)

What is one thing he does that gets on your nerves?

Mike has a bit of a sarcastic nature sometimes...it seems common to the Batchelor side of the family. I can usually tell when he is serious and when he is sarcastic, but sometimes the kids cannot.

Where do you see each other 15 years from now?

Living somewhere other than Arizona! We will be grandparents happily loving our children, their spouses, and grandchildren. We hope to travel and serve a mission together.

What causes the most arguments?

I don't think this is a good question to answer....;-)

How long have you been together?

We just celebrated 15 years together this past month.

Who Do you Tag?

Everyone who wants to respond...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hilary Weeks "My Favorite Things"

I copied Katie May on this once...she has it on her blog too.

Too bad my kids are too old for naps anymore! It used to be one of my favorite things too....

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Nativity Story

I picked up the movie "The Nativity Story" from the library this past week and we watched it today. We are sick today and so this movie was kind of church for us. I was fascinated by the politics, realistic settings, and portrayal of the customs of the time when Christ was born. I was deeply touched by the relationship between Joseph and Mary. Mary was shunned by her village for the pregnancy, while Joseph also made the decision to allow people to believe the child was his rather than allow Mary to be put on trial and most likely stoned to death.

My kids kept looking at me and asking, "Why are you crying?" I was so deeply moved by the scenes of Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem and their desperation to find a place for Mary to give birth. Maybe it is partially because I'm a mother, but I just can't think of how difficult it must have been for Mary.

Of course, the main element missing in this portrayal of the Birth of Jesus Christ is the lack of what took place on this continent. The Book of Mormon references to the signs seen in this land and testify that there were many others looking for the sign of the Savior's birth. However, I feel this movie can greatly enhance educating ourselves and our children about what the scriptures say and understanding the times and circumstances of when Jesus Christ was born. I often wonder why the Savior came at that time rather than another period in history. It will be one of the questions I ask in the next life.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Baby is the School

This week we are tending the baby, and sometimes the youngest three, of a sister I visit teach since she is on bed rest right now. We are having a great time! My children do not have any little siblings and so having these three (ages 4, 2, and 6 months) has been a fantastic learning experience for Marly and Chris. I read something once about homeschooling families that have babies and how they incorporate the baby into school. It really struck me that my kids are missing out on that. But, thanks to this service opportunity, we are able to include this as our life skills.

"Baby School" skills:
  • Diaper changing
  • Playing with younger children
  • Bottle preparation and feeding
  • Burping a baby
  • Rocking a baby
In addition to "Baby School", we are working on:
  • Devotional - New Era - Dec. 2008
  • Do Together - Listening to the last 1/2 of Stave 3 and Stave 4 of "A Christmas Carol". We really need to finish this soon. We have book club at our house tomorrow on this!
  • Read-A-Loud - History - Story of the World vol. 1- Chapter 30 "Ancient India"
  • Chris - Reading - Calvin & Hobbes, Math - more geometry practice on area of a trapezoid and area of a triangle, Life skills - cooking science (he is getting really good at cookies), Science - Rabbit 4-H Project.
  • Marly - Finished final exam for Math-U-See Delta - 97%! She finished a whole year of math in 3 months. Reading - "Turnabout", "Hunted", and "Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc" by Mark Twain. Science - Rabbit 4-H project.
  • Me - I'm a little behind in my grading with the extra kids here. Planning for teen book club meeting tomorrow. Reading - "Out of the Silent Planet" by C.S. Lewis, "The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook" by Raymond Moore, and "The Host" by Stephanie Meyer.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Fieldtrip! - Teen Humanitarian Project

Fieldtrips are the bomb! One of the greatest things about homeschooling is we can go on lots and lots of fieldtrips. In fact, the local Chevron has become a favorite stop...(hee! hee!) just kidding. We do get a few stares sometimes until we showed the clerks our picture in the paper one day and explained we are homeschoolers. Now we are celebrities! Boy, I'm really cracking myself up today.

Today we went to the Mesa Cannery and bagged beans for the Arizona Food Banks. Don't we look cute in our little hair nets and pretty blue designer gloves? I have to say that I was having a difficult week and was not really in the mood to go down to the cannery today. But, I scheduled the event and was in charge of it so I kind of needed to go...don't you think? Once we got there to help set-up, we all jumped in and changed our attitudes completely. I felt so energized and happy to be serving the needy in our state. Another mom mentioned the same thing. She had also been having a bad week and considered not coming to this event. Like me, she felt so much better after having gone to the cannery.

Marly and Chris had gone to the cannery before with the Mutual, so they were pros and helped everyone else get the hang of the process. Chris kept our bean tubs full and even spent quite a bit of time helping in the cleanup. He does not like to get his picture taken though...

Homeschooling Today

I do not post much about home schooling, but it is the center of our life. I guess I just feel that most of my friends might be uncomfortable with my posts about home education...I'm not sure why I feel that way. Nobody has ever said anything to make me feel bad or anything. But, I want to share the joys and the difficulties of our homeschooling adventure so be prepared to read more posts about it mixed in with the "regular" family stuff.

I considered having a separate homeschooling blog, but what is the point of that? Homeschooling is part of who we are. But, I will separate homeschooling from other family events and thoughts even if I post more than once on the same day.

Our Schedule...
We are very flexible with our time. We have "school" from 9am-2pm with lunch from 11:00am to 11:30am. You might think, "That is short." However, when you consider the fact that we are doing one-on-one tutoring, it is much more streamlined than traditional school. We follow the TJED method, so it will not look like what you are used to or, most likely, what your children are doing.

Today we did...
  • Devotional - New Era - Oct. 2008 - We have been reading all about the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet. It is nice to have the stories in the New Era to go along with the standards in the pamphlet.
  • Read-A-Loud - Story of the World Vol. 1, Chapter 29 "The Punic Wars", studied map of ancient Rome and located the ancient citites involved in the wars.
  • Christian - Math-U-See geometry - area of a trapezoid, game programming using R4DS, reading "Calvin & Hobbes", journal writing
  • Marlayna - read all of "The Shattered Land" (yes, the whole book in one day!), piano, singing, journal writing
  • Together - Stave 2 and half of Stave 3 of "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens
  • Me - Graded math, read journal writing, and prepared lesson for tomorrow's reading of "A Christmas Carol" which includes spelling, vocabulary, and grammar. We focus all of our standard English lessons on the current reading that we are doing together.
All of the "parts" of our education time include discussion and explanation of the topics.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Great Emergency Preparedness Buy at Kohl's

I bought some awesome preparedness items at Kohl's today. I got this crank powered radio-flashlight for $29.99, two crank LCD lanterns for $19.99 each, and three candles on clearance (just because they smell pretty). Plus, I had an extra discount card that I got in the mail and Kohl's cash. Altogether my grand total was $53.31. Not my best shopping trip, but still a good discount in my book for these types of items.

I cranked one of the lanterns three times (you can crank them and turn them on while still in the package) and had it on in my cart around the store. I was there for over 1/2 and hour and it was still very bright. People were commenting on the lanterns as I walked around the store. Even my cashier commented on them. They have little bonus lanterns with each one that I think will be great for Chris to take on Boy Scout campouts. They are the right size for the kids to hang in their little tents.

I have been concentrating on preparedness items a lot lately. I'm sure many of you are too. I still have Global Sun Ovens for $220 including shipping and handling. The price will be going up to $227 on January 1st since the manufacturer is raising their price again.

Monday, December 1, 2008

New December Blog Template

Anyone who follows my blog knows I L-O-V-E to change my template or layout every few months. Well, I picked a new beauty for my December/Christmas theme! I liked the one I used last year too because it counted down to Christmas, but I could not get that part of it working.

Enjoy the super red layout for December!

Ho, Ho, Ho! Merry Christmas!

Yea! We're back up!

On Sunday morning my email account was hit by something and I couldn't access it. Then my blog disappeared completely to which I almost ...