Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Working, Court, & Being a Homeschool Mom

I started a job a couple weeks ago setting ads at night at Kohl's. It is easy and does not require working much with customers. I tried applying at other stores in our area, but since I cannot lift more than 25 lbs. I could not get hired. This position was the only one I could get at this time in the same city where I live. It is a little frustrating because I am making half of what I have made before as far as hourly wages go.

I have not posted this information in my blog before, but I am currently in a custody dispute with my ex-husband over my oldest daughter Sam. It is ugly. It is costing us a fortune and I hate the whole process. Anyone who has ever gone to court or been divorced knows that the full truth never seems to come out in court. It is always a "he said" "she said" situation with a judge trying to determine who is telling the truth. It is even worse when the other party is completely dishonest and submitting lies to the court. I refuse to stoop to that level and so we are under constant attack. It is a difficult time for our family. Sam is staying with her dad because I have allowed her to choose until our next court date towards the end of August. She has decided she wants to go live with her dad and I am respecting her choice even though I know it is not what is best for her. She has her agency and at nearly 17 years old is old enough to make these choices. Please keep us in your prayers so that we can make it through this difficult time.

Many have asked me when we are going to start homeschooling (did we ever stop?) or if I am putting the kids back in school because I am working now. I am definitely a homeschooler. LOL! I know most of my family and friends cannot understand it and I really cannot explain it other than we love it! I have felt "called" to homeschool my children. We have found a method of homeschooling and curriculum that is fun for both me and the kids. I love having my kids around (most days) and enjoy knowing exacting where they are in their education and where they are going.

We follow the schedule Sam has at high school so we start on August 6th. If she stays with her dad indefinitely we may change our schedule a little.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Why I Homeschool

Socialization - I want my children to have our values, not the values of strangers (teachers and other children).

More Family Time - We are not at the mercy of the local school district's schedule.

Specialized Education - I am able to meet the needs of both gifted and learning style differences. Teachers must teach to the "middle of the road".

Flexibility - Many aspects of education are started late, like foreign language, or removed, like the arts. We are able to add these as we see fit.

Leadership Education - I offer my children a personalized mentor-based education to introduce them to the world of thinking for themselves -- to be leaders, not followers.

Prov. 22: 6
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Modern Day Revelation

I received this from a friend and felt it was important to pass along.

President Ezra Taft Benson also wrote a pamphlet called "The Proper Role of Government". I read this about 8 months ago and found it a powerful reminder of how far our country has come away from the original constitution. We are loosing many freedoms...without even realizing it. I believe this video is meant to remind us of the obligation we have to keep the constitution intact and to actively participate in our government.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Mike!

I want to wish my honey a Happy Birthday! Today Mike is 37...whoo hoo! I am so thankful for Mike. He is a wonderful husband and father. I have to brag about him a little bit here. He is always helping around the house doing dishes or laundry. He is always concerned about my happiness, safety, and health. I am so blessed to have him as my eternal companion.

We celebrated Mike's birthday yesterday. We gave him a new PDA. Since he is Mr. Organizer, he will be able to organize his life as he likes. I even downloaded the scriptures and all his teacher manuals on it for him. Now if only I can get the MP3 portion to work...

Happy Birthday Mike!

Miraculous Recovery & Prayer

I have experienced a miraculous recover this past week. My neck and back are so improved that I feel like a different person. I have prayed for relief and I know that many others have kept me in their prayers as well. I want to personally thank all those who prayed for my recovery. I have a strong testimony of prayer. I do not know what I would do without the ability to communicate with my Father in Heaven.

I learned recently, or maybe I knew this all along but forgot, that we communicate with all three members of the Godhead when we pray. We pray to Heavenly Father, in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ, and then listen for answers through the Holy Ghost. This has never been so clear in my mind before. What I find is the hardest part of prayer is waiting for the answers. It also clearly depends on our frame of mind at the time we are listening. Learning how to listen effectively has been one of the biggest trials in my life.

When I was younger I remember wanting to be in charge of my own life. I even blatantly ignored promptings from the Holy Ghost that brought on difficulties and heartache. How foolish and stupid I was! Now I can clearly see the errors I made and how they have effected many people. I can now see the benefits and happiness that come from following the Lord's plan for us and turning over our life to Him, allowing ourselves to be His tool for good. Hard as that is, I can attest to the fact that it does bring more happiness when we allow God to be our guide in life.

I am currently reading Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis. What an interesting and thought provoking book! I can see why so many Apostles have quoted C. S. Lewis and why the Chronicles of Narnia has became a true classic. He had some insights into the Christian faith that are so clear and profound that is amazes me he was not LDS. He was actually a member of the Church of England. Regardless of his church membership, I can see that he understood the Bible well and gained truth from it that most religions do not without the Book of Mormon.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I have been tagged by my good friend Jen at LottaKidsInc. I have to list 6 quirks about myself...hmm...where to start...

Here are the rules:

  1. Link the person who tagged you.
  2. Mention the rules in your blog.
  3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
  4. Tag a new set of 6 fellow bloggers by linking them!
My Quirks
  1. I am OCD about door and window locking. I can't just SEE that it is locked. I actually have to go and touch it and make SURE it is locked. I can't sleep if I don't go around and check every window and door.
  2. I hate eating breakfast. Bad I know, but eating breakfast actually gives me an upset stomach.
  3. I love to read. I could be happy reading all day long if it did not make me feel guilty about all the things that need to get done each day.
  4. I rolled an ATC over on me several times in my late teens and early 20's. Let's just say I am not very good at ATV riding.
  5. For several years I would not put my head under water to swim, but simply doggie paddled everywhere. Being an AZ native, this was weird to everyone around me. It was not that I was afraid of water, which is what every one assumed, but that I had excessive ear infections (this was before tubes were put in kids ears) and so I did not want water in my ears.
  6. I love being a home school mom! (This would be a quirk to many other people but not to me.)
There you have it! I now tag:

Yea! We're back up!

On Sunday morning my email account was hit by something and I couldn't access it. Then my blog disappeared completely to which I almost ...