Friday, December 28, 2007

"The Homeschool Family" video

I love this video made by Tim Hawkins. His website has some other funny clips of his comedy act so check those out too.

"The Homeschool Family" video

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas 2007

Wow! What an awesome Christmas we had this year! Sam's dad decided to let Sam stay with us for Christmas morning even though it is his year (I think he is feeling a little guilty over how much money he owes us). So, we were happy to have another year with us all together for Christmas morning.

The kids made out better than expected somehow. After Christmas, I was taking back some items and saw that there was a sign at Best Buy saying they had Wii's in stock, so this morning we got a Wii! I guess the returned items where not that big a deal since nobody cared that we did not replace them. They were VERY happy to get a Wii. I think Mike likes it too.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Fibromylagia Update - Effects of Iodoral Supplement

I promised to post an update on our progress with Fribromylagia. We recently began taking the supplement called Iodoral. We also added Magnesium and Selenium to the mix. We started with only one Iodoral pill per day. Marlayna and I both felt less pain immediately. With the addition of Magnesium and Selenium we have more energy each day. We are now taking 2 Iodoral pills per day, but it has been suggested that we up it to 4 per day.

Here is a PowerPoint presentation that was presented at our local support group meeting.

I have additionally researched some of the following websites:
I am also happy to report that two sisters from our ward also started on the Iodoral who are having great results! It is very exciting that something so inexpensive is truly having immediate affects.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Loosing a Dear Friend

I wish it wasn't true, but I have seen it coming for a long time. My Dear Bessie has been declining for quite some time. She lost her companion earlier this summer and has never been the same since. It is so sad to watch her last moments, struggling to do what she has always done with ease before. I have spent nearly every day of the past 10 years with this dear friend. She has always been there for me, even when I asked her to do the most unwanted chores to help me out. She has been there through sick children, bed wetting, camping trips, and the daily in's and out's of family life. Thank you my Dear Bessie! You have been a true friend! I will miss you. It is difficult to loose you at this time of year. There will never be another washing machine like you!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Sam got a Big Owie!

Sam called from the bus saying that she fell down as she was running to catch the bus. She did not mention that she couldn't walk. After she got to school, she realized how bad off she was and was carried by her boyfriend to the nurse where she called me again. So, I dragged my extremely drugged butt out of bed (I have bronchitis, a sinus and ear infections) and took off to the high school and then to the ER for X-rays. As it turns out, it is just sprained, but still painful.
I was feeling so sick at the ER that I almost crawled onto the hospital bed with her to lay down. I was sorely tempted to do it! But, I am a mom and mom's don't lay down on the job!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Pics of My Peeps

"Oh, what do you do when your mom is sick, and all the world stands still." --- Anybody else feel like that when YOU are the one who is sick? Well, this is the last 2 weeks in a nutshell for me. I had a terrible flu last week and I'm heading off to the Dr. later today because I'm hacking up half a lung, at least that is what it feels like.

So - I had my kids catch random shots of themselves and what they are doing while I'm sick.

They read...

They goof off...
They feed the dog a bunch of treats...

They cuddle their doggie....

...And...they do their school work like they should.

P.S. Some of you may be wondering how I can have the time to blog when I am sick. Well, I have a comfy recliner and a laptop. :-)

Friday, December 7, 2007

Tagged! - 6 Random facts about me that you really DO NOT need to know

1. I call myself "Plain Celeste". I do not like to follow fashions much in hair or clothes (this is not a surprise to most of you.) I can't stand goopy products in my hair and I hate tight pants and shirts. The only reason my clothes are tight now is because I gained weight and I am too cheap to buy new clothes and too lazy to lose the weight quickly. The layering of shirts makes me cringe. I absolutely HATE layered clothes. All I need is one shirt, not three! It's bad enough I have to wear garments, a bra (if society would let me get away with it, I would never wear a bra), and a shirt! That is my 3 layers. Hats off to those who can stand to where 5 layers.

2. I consider myself a "wanna-be computer geek". I know enough to get myself in trouble, but not enough to be the computer guru I wish I was. I guess that's why I keep going to school. Maybe someday the geek in me will surface. My favorite job was one where I sat in front of a computer all day with computer programmers and software designers. (Fun huh!)

3. I was a mega dare-devil in my past life. I have dumped myself off of more ATV's, sandrails, and ski's than I care to remember. I was in my teens and early twenties at the time and thought I was invincible. The craziest thing I ever did was launch myself down a 200 ft. steep ramp on rollerblades and jump over a barrel laying on its side. I almost fell that time and decided not to mess up my pretty face. It's no wonder my back is a mess now-a-days. Those early bumps and bruises turn into major injuries later in life. So, my past life has come back to haunt me.

4. I am a closet sci-fi fan. I am not into the truly weird stuff, but I do love Star Trek, Star Wars, and the Matrix movies (I have only seen the TV versions). I have read tons of sci-fi and fantasy books. My favorites are by Orson Scott Card (Ender's Game, Enchantment, Sarah), Terry Brooks (Kingdom For Sale), and David Eddings (Ruby Knight, Belgariad series). Anybody think I'm a geek yet?

5. I do not like scrapbooking. (gasp!) I know. All of you scrapbookers are thinking how I can't possibly like it. I don't know. I just don't. My sisters are all into it, but I just can't do it. My girls like it. There must be something wrong with me. I would rather do something digital than cut paper.

6. I am OCD when it comes to washing my hands. I tried to count one day how many times I actually wash my hands, but I stopped at like 100. I also can't stand to touch dirty stuff. I have a hard time even holding my kids hands if they do not feel perfectly clean. Just thinking about what might be on their hands grosses me out! Christian likes to hold hands sometimes when we go somewhere and I have to literally force myself to hold his hand when it feels dirty. I will then make everyone go into the bathroom and wash their hands at the next store. ICK! Who knows what is on the carts and store shelves.

OK - there are a few of my oddities for all to see. I think many of my friends have already been tagged, but I'll tag -- Katie May, Lotta Kids Inc., Ryan Manor, and a friend that I want to start a blog Amber (I'll help you).

Yea! We're back up!

On Sunday morning my email account was hit by something and I couldn't access it. Then my blog disappeared completely to which I almost ...