Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Zooming Through Math...and I Didn't Even Push Them

For the past few years that we have been focusing on implementing the Leadership Education method for homeschooling I was always a little concerned in the back of my mind about if the kids would really learn. Would they really do it largely on their own without me pushing them. Math in particular is one area that most homeschooling parents feel is lacking in the Leadership Education method. The majority of books on the list are literature.

A couple years ago I decided to completely get off the conveyor belt and truly embrace all of the 8 Keys of Great Teaching. Math was an area that I did not see my kids working at very much. I would mention it once in awhile, commenting about how important math skills are and pointing out times in our daily lives where I was using math skills. For a long time it seemed that they could really care less.

Several months ago I saw that Marly was working on her Math-U-See books every day. Pretty soon she is telling me she is ready for the final exam on the Delta level. Five months later she is finished with Epsilon (October 2009). This week she completed the Zeta books and is starting on Pre-Algebra. In a little over a year she has completed 3 years of math studies. I am now noticing Christian start to work on his math every day. He is taking less time on each lesson and picking up the pace. He completed Delta last week and is now working on Epsilon.

So what happened?

I believe that giving them the freedom they needed to devote themselves to what was most pressing to them has actually made them study harder in whatever area they are studying at the time. Now, math has suddenly become more important. They feel a need to study math. And, because I am not standing over them, pushing my idea of what they need, they are naturally drawn towards what they know they need for their future.

P.S. Check out this book The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook which also has similar stories to my own. This book is not TJED or Leadership Education based, but has a similar philosophy.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Progress...It's Something Anyway

I am so HAPPY that I am finally making progress.

  • My antibiotics are done and I can start on probiotics to make sure I do not get Candida.
  • I can breathe enough to do a little bit of work at a time without coughing up a half a lung.
  • Deep breaths only hurt a little.
  • I don't need the Albuterol inhaler anymore.
  • The kids are helping a ton with meal prep, cleaning, and packing while still getting their core education work done.
Whoo! Hoo! I was able to get some things done towards moving.
  • Nine more boxes were packed today. (Thanks kids for doing all the heavy lifting.)
  • I washed all of the windows on the inside and half on the outside.
  • I washed all the curtains, ironed them (yes, I iron once in awhile), and hung them back up. (They are the ugliest shears and curtains in the world, but they belong with the house.)
Now I am too exhausted to do any more today. Thank goodness Marlayna made dinner tonight - yummy chicken stir-fry and fried rice. I feel good that I'm getting back on track. Less than two weeks to go before we head off to Missouri. Let's just hope I did not over do it today and end up in bed tomorrow.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Teenagers vs. Young Adults

I love this post from my good friend about the difference between teenagers and young adults. Check it out.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

10 Days Sick and Counting

I know...I'm a big BAWL BABY and complaining about being sick still. This is seriously the sickest I've been in least since I had walking pneumonia a few years ago. I think I pretty much had it again, but I didn't go to the doctor since I don't think I have an infection. There ya have it...too stupid cheap to go to the doctor since we have not met our deductible yet this year.

I was feeling better yesterday and then woke up this morning with a swollen, red, nasty feeling throat and both ears hurting. *sigh* I guess I'm going to continue being sick for a while longer. Time to switch to new herbs and meds for these new symptoms.

Anyway, so I have not posted anything new about homeschooling, packing, or what-not about our lives. Here is the basic run down...

  • Still homeschooling even when sick...of course! What else would I be doing?
  • Still packing to move in a few weeks...duh!
  • The earth still rotates around the sun and the moon still rotates around the! Who knew?
I'll have to catch-up on the other stuff some other time. Right now...I'm just surviving and trying to pack while still trying to get over being's not working very well for me. Go figure?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Marlayna's Forum Reveiw

I had a fun time at the forum. There were five speakers, but I don’t remember all their names.
The first speaker was a lady. She talked about the four things to do to discovery my mission. 1. Take time to be holy. She talked about finding time to do something that you loved, something that relaxed you. 2. Strengthen the physical. Keep yourself healthy so that you won’t be hindered from doing your mission. 3. Expose yourself to greatness. Have you ever heard the expression “you are what you eat” ? I think it goes the same with who you hang out with. If you hang out with kids who ditch school all the time, most likely you will ditch at least once because your friends talked you into it. But if you hang out with good, or great, people, you will do good or great things. 4. Perform an act of service. I hear this all the time in church. You really do feel good about yourself when you serve other people, and more likely than not your mission will be to help people.
She had a lot of stories about great people. She encouraged us to listen to inspiration and to not compare ourselves with others. One activity she had us do was: She asked us to get in a group of at least two people, and each person had to hold on to a pen or pencil. With the pen or pencil you had to draw a picture of your dream house. It turned out to be a very crude box with squares for windows, a tree, and the title Our Dream House. It defiantly wasn’t my idea for my dream house. She explained that sometimes groups were good, and sometimes it was better to be on your own, and that we should not get involved in groups that would bring us down.
The second speaker was Mrs. Kepner, and I knew her before the forum. I like her a lot. She is fun and she had us play a couple games. She also told us she did not want any teenagers in her class, she wanted young adults. She talked about being Great. G for God R for righteous/rely E effect A attitude T truth. She put us in groups and gave us a piece of paper, then had us present the person that the paper was about. My group was doing Florence Nightingale, who was a volunteer medic in a war. The paper said that she made the places she worked in more cleanly and orderly, and that made a huge difference in how many soldiers survived. Most groups did a skit about their person, and one did a rap. That was fun, but our skit was lame.
The third speaker was also fun. First he had us stand up and do a dance and clap and shout. He had us say “yes” or “great” a whole lot. He got on a few people who didn’t say anything, but he was just joking around. He talked about “What do I do with my life?”. He told us that our purpose was to solve problems. That gave me a whole knew insight to what we really do, which is solve problems. Our lives are filled with problems that we have to solve, some of the simpler ones are, problem: hunger. What do you do when you are hungry? You eat something. Problem solved. Then he asked us if it was possible to gather a whole bunch of food and ship it to children who hadn’t eaten the day before. We said yes, it was possible. I don’t really remember how he put it, but he said something about that we couldn’t do that everyday, that we had to solve other problems, too.
The forth speaker was the president of the George Wythe College and he was awesome. First he played a couple songs on his guitar for us. The first song was about him not getting a date, and the second was about people picking on him. Then he showed us words on a whiteboard and showed us the words in sigh-language. Then he told us a King-Kong story in sign-language using the words he had showed us before. That was cool. Then he told us about some things. He showed us other words, and the actual meaning of the different parts of the word. Virtue- I don’t really know exactly what he said, but in the end he said virtue meant fulfilling the purpose for which you were created for. Wisdom- house of roots- this meant you get wisdom thru roots, or sources. Diplomacy- bringing two sides together. Courage- of the heart. He also told us what Entertain and Amusement meant. Entertain- draws in; Amusement- not thinking. He said it was not bad to want to be entertained or amused, but that that shouldn’t be that only thing we want.
The final speaker talked about our inner power. He asked us questions like: What level of power do I have in me? What is my power to be used for? What is the source of my inner power? I thought over these questions. Then he asked us if we could do something great what would it be? I didn’t really know what I wanted to do. Then he had us prepare a one minute speech and put us in groups. Everyone in my group gave a little talk. I just said how I like animals and that I wanted to work with them when I grew up. We had a little break. We came back and he had us visualize ourselves doing something great. Helping people. At the end he quoted the Give me liberty or give me death speech. I don’t think I ever heard it before then, but it was cool.
I liked all the speakers, some more, some less. The first and last I didn’t pay much attention to, but maybe that was because A. it was 8:00 in the morning, and I was tired and B. It was late in the day and I had been sitting in the same chair for four hours. In the end I was glad I went, but in the beginning… Anyway, I had fun.
Marlayna Helen Batchelor

Yea! We're back up!

On Sunday morning my email account was hit by something and I couldn't access it. Then my blog disappeared completely to which I almost ...