Friday, June 27, 2008

Movie Review: WALL*E

With all the stress in our lives recently, the kids and I (minus Sam) took a day to go to the movies. Marly really wanted to see WALL*E. I was interested as well since they have had such cute little commercials about it. I have to say that it was a little disappointing. Here is what the kids had to say about it:
  • Chris - "I think we should have seen Kung Fu Panda instead."
  • Me - "The story line was slow."
  • Marly - "I liked it."
  • Chris - "On a scale of 1 to 10...I say it's a 4."
  • Marly - "On a scale of 1 to 10...I say it's a 7."
  • Me - "Cute for DVD, but not for theater prices."
So there you have it...from the Batchelor's at the Movies.

It was nice to get away from the house for several hours (including the drive, wait for the movie, and the movie itself). We probably won't do it again for quite awhile since gas is just way to expensive and I have to travel to Phoenix a couple more times in the near future.

Monday, June 23, 2008

I get a shot where?!?

I went to the doctor today because I am doing much worse. I had to get more x-rays and they decided I needed a steroid shot. (Maybe I'll get buff!) When the nurse came in to give me the shot I was expecting to roll up my sleeve, but OH NO. That's NOT where I got my shot. Christian laughed hilariously when he learned I was getting a shot in my tush (Which has plenty of padding for shots). The kids had to leave the room while I got my shot and I could hear Christian laughing in the hallway. (I guess I won't feel sorry for him the next time he gets a shot) My neck and shoulders feel a bit better now that the shot has kicked in. Maybe I'll get more sleep tonight. It will wear off in a couple days, but I am thankful for the reprieve.

I enjoy having my own personal chauffeur drive me around today to my appointments. Sam loves driving, what 16 year old doesn't, so she is more than happy to chauffeur me around. She leaves tomorrow for EFY and then to stay with her dad for the next few weeks. I am sad to see her go since I will need a chauffeur still. Oh, plus I love her too!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Website Madness...and other stuff.

I am bored out of my mind trying to not use my arms. Yeah, that's what I said...I'm not supposed to move my arms. But, I NEED to work on something or I'll go crazy. I've been staying down and low key for about 2 weeks.

Today's Website Madness
  • Trying to combine my Blogspot with my family website at
  • Updating my AZLDSHSA website to be compatible with Groups - either Yahoo or Google groups or program my own (not the easiest solution).
I've been at it for an hour and it is time to quit for the day.

Other Family Stuff

Today we have some cousins and friends at the house. With my injured neck, my children and husband have been absolutely W O N D E R F U L in doing the bulk of the house work and cooking. I had wanted my children to do more cooking over the summer for practical reasons. I wanted them to learn life skills, become better cooks, and learn how much work goes into each and every meal.

P.S. If this works out like I hope, my Blogspot will automatically post to allowing me to keep both my Blogspot friends and my website. I know I lost several Blogpsot friends when I switched over.

Yea! We're back up!

On Sunday morning my email account was hit by something and I couldn't access it. Then my blog disappeared completely to which I almost ...