Saturday, October 27, 2007

New Treatment for Fibromyalgia

I attended a support group for Fibromyalgia today with a couple of friends. Each month our support group focuses on a new topic of treatment. This month's topic was about the supplement Iodoral. I have to say that I have heard of many treatments, supplements, and therapies. Only one other treatment, the one we currently use (guaifenesin), has given me as much hope as this particular supplement has. It claims to treat MANY ailments.

Quote from Natural Healing website:
" Some other medical conditions associated with iodine deficiency are goiters, Graves' Disease, Hashimoto's Disease, fatigue and impaired immune system function. Iodine deficiency during pregnancy can lead to miscarriages and reduced IQ in surviving offspring. The World Health Organization says that iodine deficiency is the largest single cause of mental retardation. Iodine also detoxifies the body by removing mercury, fluorides, chlorides, and bromides."

Quote from Vitamin Research Products:
"Iodoral is an inorganic, non-radioactive form of iodine. Iodine is the safest of all trace minerals and studies have shown it may be necessary for the production of every hormone in the body and for proper immune system function."

The studies show that there has been a drastic decline in Iodine in American culture over the past 40 years and drastic increase in cancer and other illnesses like autoimmune system dysfunction (FMS and CFS). There is a belief that the sudden "new" diagnosis of FMS and CFS could be linked to Iodine deficiencies.

There is so much more to share on this subject. The meeting was 2 hours long. I asked the presenter to forward me her PowerPoint presentation, which I plan to upload to this blog when I get it. At the meeting there were a couple of people who have already started taking Iodoral and said they have felt immediate results with increased energy. One woman has gone off her thyroid medications. No one at the presentation is affiliated with anyone selling the product.

If you know of anyone with Fibromyalgia, fatigue, thyroid, cancer, etc. Have them check back here as I will be posting more information as I get it. Here are some websites mentioned at the meeting I attended:

Dr. David Brownstein - Holistic Family Medicine (Check out his book - "Iodine - Why You Need It")
Optimox - Iodoral supplement information
Breast Cancer Choices - Iodoral supplement information (I ordered from this website)
How to Use Iodoral - List of symptoms that Iodoral helps

I will also post back as we start taking the supplement.


Friday, October 26, 2007

The Many Hats I Wear...

I finally sat down and calendared my daily life and found WHY I feel like a chicken with my head cut off. So, here is a list of my many daily jobs and the skills I've acquired over the years...

  1. Religion Teacher (Where would we be without our Heavenly Father, the Savior, and the Plan of Salvation?)
  2. Chef (moved up to top chef now)
  3. Laundress (every day of my life)
  4. Chauffeur (From morning til night)
  5. Financial Planner (Retirement? Hopefully!)
  6. Accountant (Why are there more debits than credits here?)
  7. Driver's Ed Instructor (Keep both hands on the WHEEL!)
  8. Babysitter (those neighborhood children keep coming over - I'm glad my kids are popular)
  9. Teacher (Preschool thru high school)
  10. Tutor (high school and beyond)
  11. Academic Counselor (college bound children)
  12. Time Management Instructor (Get those chores done and then you can play!)
  13. Nurse (The many, many boo-boo's I've kissed)
  14. Naturopathic Doctor (AH we love natural remedies)
  15. Personal Hygiene monitor (Get back in there and wash your hair this time!)
  16. Sex Ed instructor (kissing gives you C-O-O-T-I-E-S!)
  17. Hallway monitor (Why are you out of bed again?)
  18. Plumber (the toilet has been clogged too many times to remember)
  19. Dish Washer (enough said!)
  20. Networking Specialist (I must be more savoy than my kids to keep up with the times)
  21. Decorator
  22. Electrician (I'm the only one who can hook up the electronics in our home)
  23. Painter
  24. Carepet Cleaner
  25. Cleaning Lady (Gotta love the Fly Lady)
  26. Pet Vet (buried a few and have a few left)
  27. Camp Counselor (I let Mike do most of the camping stuff)
  28. Librarian
  29. Photographer (I'm not a very good one)
  30. Window washer
  31. Car washer
  32. Gardner

I know there is a lot more but my brain is starting to hurt! Please feel free to add your own ideas to this list.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Sam turned 16!

This past week we started our "birthday season". All our kids have birthday's within a month of each other in October and November. Sam turned 16 this past week! I can hardly believe it. Where has the time gone? Wasn't she a cute baby? Well - that cute little baby was given a car for her birthday by her dad (my ex-husband) who did not let me know what he was doing. She does not have her drivers license yet, so she can't drive it alone. HHMM - a car with no way to drive it yet. Bummer.

We gave Sam the use of a cell phone, however, we turned off the ability to text message. I do not want my kids driving while texting or texting during class. She is not happy about this, but she is lucky she has one at all. We thought we were giving her a great gift, but all she has done is complain how she can't text. *sigh* She also got some money since she likes to pick out her own gifts. I told her she can buy her own cell phone service, but she bought clothes instead.

For birthday's, it is a tradition in our home now that the kids are older to take them to their favorite restaurant if they are not having a big party. Sam did not have a party this year, so she chose to go to China City Buffet. We stuffed ourselves thoroughly! We wanted to get the wait staff to sing happy birthday, but wondered how it would sound (anybody remember "The Christmas Story" scene at Thanksgiving?). We laughed and had a good time.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

2007 Family Campout

Only about half of Mike's family were able to make it, but we had fun anyway. We camped near where the Rodeo-Chedeski fire had been a few years ago. The area is beginning to recover as we saw some elk and we could definitely hear them calling to each other in the dusk and dawn hours.

Enjoy our snapshots! I do not claim to be any good at taking pictures. Some were taken be the kids.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

October Already?!?

Where did September go? We are getting into the "birthday frenzy" part of the year. All the kids have birthday's in October and November...then comes Christmas right behind. My poor kids get nothing the rest of the year! (Just kidding!) They are so spoiled.

Update on Suzi
She seems to be fairing very well thanks to every one's prayers and well wishes. She is seeing the plastic surgeon later this week. I truly look up to her as she is always so strong and weathers her trials so well. She will have another round of chemo to go from what I understand.

On the Home Front
Christian has returned home for school. I decided that he needs more structure than what I was doing at the beginning of this year and so we enrolled both kids in Arizona Connections Academy - another online school like Arizona Virtual Academy that we did for the last two years. Both kids seem to really like it. It offers more variety than the previous online school like; technology, health, and foreign language classes, as well as gifted programs. I guess we'll see how this one goes. So far - so good - but it is only the first week. I guess the "social" environment was not that important to him after all.

Look for another posting later this week with our Batchelor Family Campout pictures! I have not had time to upload them all yet.

Yea! We're back up!

On Sunday morning my email account was hit by something and I couldn't access it. Then my blog disappeared completely to which I almost ...