Saturday, April 5, 2008

5 Pillar Certification

An introduction to the Five Pillars and the Classics/Mentors model of education.

  1. Read the following books and discuss them with a friend.

    • Potok, The Chosen

    • Bronte, Jane Eyre

    • L’Amour, Walking Drum

    • Moody, Little Britches

    • Stratton-Porter, Laddie

    • Shakespeare, Taming of the Shrew

    • DeMille, Thomas Jefferson Education

  2. Attend the seminar “Face to Face with Greatness: A Thomas Jefferson Education.”

A comprehensive study of additional classics.

  1. Complete Level I and enroll in Level II.

  2. Choose twelve of the following books. Write a one page summary for each and submit via email:

    • Austen, Pride and Prejudice

    • Bastiat, What is Seen and What is Not Seen*

    • Johnson & Johnson, The One Minute Teacher

    • Covey, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

    • DeMille, Leadership Education

    • Dickens, Great Expectations

    • Frank, Alas Babylon

    • Gardner, Multiple Intelligences

    • Gatto, The 7 Lesson School Teacher*

    • Harward, Market-Based Education

    • Holt, How Children Learn

    • Hugo, Les Miserables

    • Kavanaugh, Spiritual Lives of the Great Composers

    • Lewis, The Abolition of Man

    • Noebel, Understanding the Times

    • Shakespeare, five plays

    • Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin

    • Strauss and Howe, The Fourth Turning

    • Thoreau, Walden

    • Wister, The Virginian

  3. Attend the seminar “Face to Face with Greatness: The Power of Mentoring the Classics.”
(* = articles found in the books Bastiat, Essays on Political Economy & Gatto, Dumbing Us Down)

Practical application of the five pillars in an educational setting.
  1. Complete level II and enroll in Level III.

  2. Administer or teach in a public, private or home school or class and apply the 5 Pillar™ system for a minimum of six months. Keep a journal of the entire project. Write a project summary when the project is complete. Pass an oral board discussing your findings.

  3. Attend either of the following seminars*:

    • Face to Face with Greatness: World Views and the Emerging State

    • Statesman Retreat: Rethinking Leadership

    For seminar dates and locations please visit

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