Saturday, December 4, 2010

"It Is Not Meet That I Should Command In All Things"

I am working through my Personal Progress along with my Beehives. That is one thing I should have been doing with my daughters all along, but being called to Young Women's has sparked my drive to do so again. I was looking through my Personal Progress book and found a value experience to work on which required I read the following scripture:

Doctrine and Covenants 58: 26-28

26 For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.

27 Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;

28 For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward.

I had always associated this scripture with service, but this time I saw the correlation to many other ethic...etc. The footnotes mention; dedication, diligence, good works, industry, and zeal. I think we are missing the mark if we associate this scripture strictly to service. Industry relates to all that we do; to be industrious with our time in family work, making a living, our duty to God, etc.

Applying the Scriptures to Ourselves
We are admonished to apply the scriptures to ourselves. That is the best way to learn from the scriptures. So, here are my thoughts on applying these scriptures in my home.

I am often asked how I get my kids to study at home. I used to wonder how homeschool moms could possibly do that as well, my kids barely listened to me about anything, much less school work. Over time, I've come to realize that I needed to teach my kids to be industrious in all things...chores, church callings, and their education. Once they understand the principle, it is easier to apply in all areas of their lives. Now they fully understand that getting an education is their job, not mine. I lead them and guide them, but the work is theirs to do.

The second big question I get is how can I homeschool without requiring a set curriculum for them to study. The answer to that is to provide an outline for what constitutes a great education and then provide them the means to obtain it. I model getting an education myself and show them my enthusiasm and zeal for being an educated person.

"Slothful and not a wise Servant"
The biggest difference is that public schools "command" and "compel" in all things. We learn from the scriptures above that this leads to a "slothful and not a wise servant". So, why then are we surprised that so many leave public schools without a good education (not wise) and cannot find sufficient drive (slothful) to be successful in life? The answer is in the type of education, force rather than inspired self-education.

The "reward" for being a self-learner through inspired mentoring is that they will retain much more of their education (be wise) and have learned the power of self-motivation (industry) from the beginning of their education, or at the very least, have changed over to being a self-learner once they left public school.

I, for one, have learned more in the past 5 years since I read "A Thomas Jefferson Education" than I ever did in my public schooling education, including college level classes at a university. My eyes are now opened to the possibilities and excitement of shedding my slothfulness and learning to be industrious in all aspects of my life. I am so thankful to have this knowledge now!


  1. Thanks for the post. It's a good idea to do personal progress with your daughters, my oldest is 8 but I think it would be well for me to do her Faith In God program with her.
    I have many other thoughts that this scripture adds to and expands on. So I just wanted to say thanks for sharing.

  2. Rebekah - I'd love to hear/read your thoughts on this scripture. I know there is so much more...

  3. This is a beautiful post, Celeste! I have found that I LIKE to be compelled-- a weakness that I've been trying to overcome my whole life. Idleness is something I'm trying to eliminate from my life and home right now. (I'm trying to use more self-control in avoiding time wasted on Babylon, a.k.a. Facebook *wink*, talking about nothing of consequence.)

    I think it's so important that we keep working on our "Core" throughout all the other phases we're working through. I think that the Savior has been the ONLY person with a complete, perfect Core. Thank goodness for the fresh start repentance gives us!

  4. I enjoyed reading this post, so much! I have been evaluating life lately and have been thinking about what I want to focus on this New Year! This is some wonderful food for thought! :0)

  5. I have to say that one reason this post was written is because I see myself as slothful at times and unable to do what I know I need to be doing. Cutting out Facebook and other stumbling blocks in my life have helped greatly. I am still working on getting rid of more "fluff" and focusing on what is important.

    Thanks Rachel for the reminder that we are always working on our Core Phase. I find that people often think they need to be perfect before they will take the leap of faith to be in Scholar Phase.

    I have more to perfect! As we all do! Thank goodness we have each other to help us along the way and a Savior who has done ALL THINGS for us and paved the way for us to repent and return unto Him.

  6. Oh, I love your thoughts! I think there is much we can learn from this through ponder.

    I've been working on my PP again this time around with my brand new 12 year old daughter. We just finished a ten hour project together. What a wonderful experience.

    Keep up the good work. Oh, and you've inspired me to get cracking on Jesus the Christ. I'm trying to reread it and I'm not spending the time on it that I need to. Thanks! : )

    It's good to read of you again. I've missed your thoughts. Although I do sometimes sneak on goodreads for a couple minutes every couple of weeks so I peek on you there. : )

  7. Oh, and good job on the Facebook. That is a great time sucker.


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